Rosen espalier i Corselitze have

If you visit Falster, I will at any time recommend a walk through the park at Corselitze Manor. They have the most beautiful roses on the island and the visit is completely free.

In the picture you can see my partner, Martin, and myself under the beautiful rose arches. :o) 

The large majestic trees, the fine lake with view of the estate and the well-trimmed lawns are a joy to the eye. 

But it is especially the flowers that draw the visitors. The rose garden and the beautiful color coordinated flowers.

The roses, which cover the many arches from top to toe, and the long line of flower beds are most inviting when they bloom in July. Here you will get Instagram-friendly motives en masse!

The rose arches is an excellent place to have a picture taken of yourself, with your better half or the entire family.

It is for a very good reason that bridal couples regularly have their pictures taken in the garden. The park is beautiful, has plenty of space and tranquility.

You see, the incredible thing is that even when Falster is full of tourists, only a few find their way to the park. It is definitely one of the unknown gems on the island!

More or less all flowers and trees are marked with name tags, so even if you know nothing about plants you can learn the names – and Corselitze garden is a very good place indeed to get inspired and get new ideas to your own garden. (please see below where you buy the roses)

Corselitze park is buzzing with insects having a party in the sumptuous sea of flowers, both in the rose garden and the flower beds.

The roses are in full bloom in July

 The entrance to the park is placed on Tromnæs Allé, where you can find both good parking facilities and public toilets. You just park the car and walk in.

If you would like to combine your visit in Corselitze manor garden with other attractions, then the distances are short to both Hesnæs Harbor, a good lunch at Pomle Nakke and the delicious ice creams at the square in Marielyst.

By the way: The largest oak tree in Denmark, the Valdemar oak, grows in Corselitze wood, just a few hundred meters away. 

If you feel like ice cream, then read the blog about Falster’s best ice cream – you find them at the main square in the summerhouse city of Marielyst.

Billede af Falsters bedste is

Corselitze Manor is owned by “Det Classenske Fideicommis”, which is a non-profit foundation. It means the house in Corselitze is used by the administration, and not lived in by private persons.

P.S. About the roses…

If you dream about owning roses like those in the park of Corselitze, you need to make an appointment with the the Rose nursery Æblehaven in Stubbekøbing. They don’t have any official opening hours but are happy to welcome guests if you make an appointment in advance.

They also have an “open garden” every year in July where you can stop by and see the many rose varieties in full bloom.